Team accounts

When logged in with email/password

Creating Teams

Once logged in, click on your email address on the top right-side of the page to open the account switcher, and click on "New Team".

Once you create a new team, you can then send out email invites to your team members to create their own accounts and join your team.

Any clusters you create within your team account are shared with other members of the team.

When logged in with GitHub Auth

Creating Teams

We create "teams" in Typesense Cloud for each Github Organization you're a part of. This is automatically done when you login the first time (if you had authorized access to your Github orgs). Once you're logged in, you'll see an account switcher on the top right with your username. If you click on your username, you'll see the other team accounts. 

Adding Additional Teams

If you don't see a Github organization listed under the account switcher, you want to first try refreshing the page, since we fetch data from Github asynchronously. If your teams still don't show up, visit, remove Typesense Cloud from the list, then logout of Typesense Cloud and log back in. This time, you'll see a Github auth prompt asking you to authorize organization access - you want to grant access to the Github organization that you'd like to create clusters under.

Sharing Access

If you provision a cluster under one of your team accounts, all members that are part of that Github organization will also see the cluster when they login with their own Github accounts, and switch to this team.


Personal accounts and team accounts can each have their own payment methods on file and will receive separate invoices.

Please be sure to add your payment method to your team account separately.

Role Based Access Control

You can setup different team members with different levels of access to the dashboard. Read more about it here.

Single-Sign On

You can also add users to your team using SAML-based SSO platforms like Okta, Azure AD, etc. Here's how to set this up.

Please reach out to us at if you have any additional questions.

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